Niuli Electric is a leading and full-line manufacturer of wire accessories, and has its own registered brand NLZD
How to distinguish the quality of nylon cable tie
-Dec 15, 2023-

As distributors and users of nylon cable tie products, they should master the basic knowledge of distinguishing the quality of products in order to purchase cost-effective nylon cable tie products to reduce the risk of overcompensation during use or production.



1. Appearance identification: Injection molding products are prone to flash, burrs, scorch, bubbles, deformation and other phenomena. These phenomena are also easy to appear on nylon cable tie products. Although some phenomena do not pose a threat to the safe use of cable ties, all Manufacturers should maintain strict control over the appearance. Whether the teeth buckle on the belt body and the tooth buckle on the head cavity of the tie can fit perfectly is the key factor that determines the tensile force of the nylon cable tie. If the tooth buckle is deformed or is not fully filled, slippery teeth will appear. Or difficult to intersect. Such products are like scrap products and can easily induce quality accidents during use. Usually responsible manufacturing companies will use high-precision projection magnification instruments during the inspection process, and full-time quality inspection personnel will be responsible for checking the product teeth. Comparison detection.


2. Hand feeling recognition: The two major factors that determine the quality of nylon cable ties are the precision of the mold and the flexibility of the product. The flexibility cannot be provided with data and the positioning of flexibility of each person is different, so I will not elaborate on the nylon cable ties. , the precision of the mold can be judged by the feel of the nylon tie and the sound produced when the tie is pulled. If it is difficult to insert or the sound is not crisp, it means that the fit of the tooth buckle is not high. This is the product of the nylon tie. Pulling force cannot be guaranteed.


3. Performance identification: The most important evaluation point of nylon cable ties is the pulling force. When a certain force is applied, whether the belt is broken, reversed, or the head is cracked, the breaking method must be above the standard value of pulling force (nylon cable ties There are industry standards for pulling force: the standard pulling force of the 3x series national standard actual width 2.5mm is 8kg, the standard pulling force of the 4x series national standard actual width 3.5mm is 18kg, the standard pulling force of the 5x series national standard actual width 4.6mm is 22kg, and the 8x series national standard actual width 7.5mm The standard tensile force is 55kg, and the standard tensile force of the 10x series national standard actual width 9.0mm is 80kg). Good quality cable ties will not have a straightforward fracture section when stretched, and will not become brittle.


There are many other properties, such as high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, UV resistance, etc., which need to be tested with more professional instruments and equipment.


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